Takarodi Ghana

Today was an experience, to say the least and you may have difficulty reading this post. Its not for the faint of heart. I really had a hard time writing it. Trying to explain someone else’s suffering that is beyond imaginable, is very difficult to do when I wasn’t there to see it firsthand and … More Takarodi Ghana

Luanda Angola

We are nearing the end of our trek around Africa and will soon be in the European waters. It’s so hard to believe we are less than 100 days to the end of our journey. Time has really flown by and with our port intensive last 90 days it will be over before we realize … More Luanda Angola


Swakopmund, Namibia, a country on the African southwest coast (we docked in Walvis Bay, has a population of 44,000 people so its a small town within the state of 2.5 million members. Swakopmund is a name that conjures images of endless sand dunes and a cool ocean breeze – and today, it lived up to … More Swakupmund,Namibia